Genesis 26:2-5

Great(i) 2 And the Lorde apeared vnto him, and sayde: Go not downe into Egypte, but byde in the lande whych I shall shewe vnto the: 3 soiourne in thys lande, and I wyll be wyth the, and wyll blesse the: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I wyll geue all these contreys. And I wyll performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraham thy father, 4 and wyll multiplye thy seed as the starres of heauen, and wyll geue vnto thy seed all these contreys. And in thy seed shall all the nacyons of the erth be blessed, 5 because that Abraham harkened vnto my voyce and kepte myne ordinaunces, my commaundementes, my statutes, and my lawes.