Genesis 18:24-33

Great(i) 24 parauenture there be .l. ryghtwes within the cytie, wylt thou destroye and not spare the place for the sake of .l. ryghtwes that are therin? 25 That be farre from the, that thou shuldest do after thys sayinge, & sley the ryghtwes with the wicked, & that the ryghtwes shulde be as the wicked, that be farre from the. Shall not the iudge of all the worlde do accordynge to ryghte? 26 And the Lorde sayde: If I fynde in Sodome .l. ryghtwes wythin the cytie, I will spare all the place for their sakes. 27 And Abraham answerynge: sayde, Beholde, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the Lorde, which am but dust and asshes. 28 perauenture there shall lacke fyue of fyftye ryghteous: wylt thou destroye all the cytie for lacke of fyue? And he sayde: yf I fynde there fourtye & fyue, I will not destroye them. 29 And he proceaded to speake vnto hym agayne, & sayde, peraduenture there shalbe fourtye founde there. He answered: I will not do it for forties sake. 30 He sayde vnto him agayne: O let not my Lord be angry that I speake: peraduenture there shall thyrtye be founde there. And he sayde: I will do nothynge yf I fynde thirtye there. 31 He sayde agayne: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake nowe also vnto my Lorde: peraduenture ther shalbe twentye founde there. He answered: I wyll not destroye them for twenties sake. 32 And be sayde: O let not my Lorde he angry, & I wyll speake yet but this once. Perauenture there shall ten be founde there. He answered: I wyll not destroye them for tens sake. 33 And the Lorde went his waye as soone as he had lefte commoninge with Abraham. And Abraham also returned vnto his place.