Ezekiel 47:1-9

Great(i) 1 After this, he brought me agayne before the dore of the house: and beholde, there gushed oute waters from vnder the postes of the house eastwarde, for the house stode towarde the east, that ran downe vpon the ryght syde of the house, which lyeth to the aulter southwarde. 2 Then caryed he me out to the north dore, and brought me forth there rounde about by the vtmost dore that turneth eastwarde. Beholde, there came forth the water vpon the right syde: 3 Now whan the man that had the meterodde in hys hande went vnto the east dore, he measured a .M. cubites, and then he brought me thorowe the water, euen to the ancles: 4 so he measured yet a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water agayne vnto the knees: yet measured he a thousande, and brought me thorowe the water vnto the loynes. 5 After this he measured a thousande agayne, then was it soch a ryuer, that I myght not wade thorowe it. The water was so depe, that it was nedeful to haue swimmed, for it might not be waded ouer. 6 And he sayde vnto me: hast thou sene thys, O thou sonne of man? and with that, he brought me to the ryuer banck agayne. 7 Nowe when I came there, there stode many trees vpon ether syde of the ryuer bancke. 8 Then sayde he vnto me: Thys water that floweth oute towarde the east, and runneth downe into the playne felde, commeth into the see: and from the see runneth out: & maketh the waters whole. 9 Yee, all that lyue & moue, wherunto thys ryuer commeth, shall recouer. And where thys water commeth, ther shalbe moch fysh. For all that commeth to this water, shalbe lusty and whole.