Ezekiel 34:23-31

Great(i) 23 I wyll rayse vp vnto them one onely shepherde, euen my seruaunt Dauid, he shall fede them and he shall be their shepherde. 24 I the Lorde will be their God, and my seruaunt Dauid shall be their prince: Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it. 25 Moreouer, I wyll make a couenaunt of peace with them and dryue al euell beastes out of the lande: so that they maye dwell safely in the wildernesse, and slepe in the woddes. 26 Good fortune and prosperite will I geue them, and vnto all that be rounde aboute my hyll. A prosperous shower and rayne will I sende them in due season, 27 that the trees in the wodde maye bring forth their frutes and the grounde her increase. They shalbe safe in their lande, and shall knowe, that I am the Lord, which haue broken their yock and deliuered them oute of the handes of those, that helde them in subieccyon. 28 They shal nomore be spoyled of the Heathen, ner deuoured wyth the beastes of the lande: but safely shal they dwell, and no man shall fraye them, 29 I will set vp an excellent plante for them, so that they shall suffre nomore hunger in the lande, nether beare the reprofe of the Heathen eny more. 30 Thus shall they vnderstande, that I the Lorde theyr God am with them, and that they (euen the house of Israel) are my people saieth the Lorde God. 31 Ye men are my flocke ye are the shepe of my pasture: and I am youre God, sayeth the Lorde God.