Ezekiel 20:10-17

Great(i) 10 Now when I had caryed them out of the lande of Egypte, and brought them into the wyldernesse: 11 I gaue them my commaundementes, & shewed them my lawes, which whoso kepeth shall lyue in them: 12 I gaue them also my holy dayes, to be a token betwixte me & them, & therby to knowe, that I am the Lorde, which halowe them. 13 And yet the house of Israel rebelled agaynst me in the wyldernesse, they wolde not walcke in my commaundementes, they haue cast a waye my lawes (which whoso kepeth shulde lyue in them) and my Sabboth dayes haue they greatly vnhalowed. Then I made me to poure out myne indignacyon vpon them, & to consume them in the wyldernesse. 14 Yet I wolde not do it, for my names sake: lest it shulde be dishonoured before the Heathen, from the whych I had caryed them awaye. 15 But I swore vnto them in the wyldernesse, that I wolde not brynge them in to the lande, which I gaue them: a lande that floweth with mylcke and hony, & is a pleasure of all landes: 16 and that because they refused my lawes, and walcked not in my commaundementes, but had vnhalowed my Sabbathes, for their herte was gone after their ydoles. 17 Neuerthelesse, myne eye spared them, so that I wolde not vtterly slaye them and consume them in the wyldernes.