Exodus 14:10-13

Great(i) 10 And when Pharao drewe nie, the children of Israel lyft vp their eyes and beholde, the Egipcians folowed after them, and they were sore afrayde: and the children of Israel cryed out vnto the Lorde. 11 But they sayde vnto Moses: because there were no graues in Egipt, hast thou therfore brought vs awaye for to dye in the wyldernes? wherfore hast thou serued vs thus, for to carye vs out of Egipte? 12 Dyd not we tell the this in Egipt, saying: let vs be in rest, that we maye serue the Egipcians? For it had bene better for vs to haue serued the Egipcians then for to dye in the wildernesse. 13 And Moses sayde vnto the people: feare ye not, stande styll, & beholde, howe the Lorde shall saue you this daie. For ye that haue sene the Egipcians this daye, shall se them nomore for euer.