Ecclesiastes 5:10-16

Great(i) 10 He that loueth money, wyll neuer be satisfyed wt money: & who so deliteth in riches, shal haue no profyt therof. This is also a vayne thinge. 11 Where as moche ryches is, there are many also that spende them awaye. And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, sauynge that he maye loke vpon them with his eyes? 12 A labouringe man slepeth swetely, whether it be lytle or moch that he eateth: but the aboundaunce of the ryche will not suffre him to slepe. 13 Yet is there a sore plage, which I haue sene vnder the sunne (namely) ryches kepte to the hurte of him that hath them in possession. 14 For oft tymes they perysh with his greate misery & trouble: & yf he haue a chylde, it getteth nothynge. 15 Lyke as he came naked out of hys mothers wombe, so goeth he thither agayne, & carieth nothing awaye with hym of all his laboure. 16 This is a miserable plage, that he shall go awaye euen as he came. What helpeth it hym then, that he hath laboured in the wynde?