Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Great(i) 15 The Lorde thy God wyll styr vp vnto the a Prophete amonge you: euen of thy brethren, lyke vnto me vnto hym ye shall herken, 16 accordynge to all that thou desyredest of the Lorde thy God in Horeb, in the daye of the gatherynge together, whan thou saydest: Let me heare the voyce of my Lorde God no moare, nor se thys greate fyre any moare, that I dye not. 17 And the Lorde sayde vnto me: they haue well spoken: 18 I will rayse them vp a prophete from amonge their brethren lyke vnto the, and wyll put my wordes in hys mouthe, and he shall speake vnto them all that I shall commaunde hym. 19 And whosoeuer will not herken vnto the wordes which he shall speake in my name, I wyll requyre it of hym.