Acts 8:5-13

Great(i) 5 Then came Philip into a cytie of Samaria, & preached Christ vnto them. 6 And the people gaue hede vnto those thynges which Philip spake wt one accord, hearyng & seyng the myracles whych he dyd. 7 For vncleane spretes cryinge with loude voyce, came out of many that were possessed of them. And many taken wt palsyes, & many that halted, were healed. 8 And ther was great ioye in that cyte. 9 But ther was a certen man called Symo, which before tyme in the same cytye vsed witchecrafte, and bewitched the people of Samary, saying that he was a man that coulde do great thynges. 10 Whom they regarded, from the lest to the greatest, sayinge: this man is the power of God, which is called greate. 11 And him they sett moche by, because that of longe tyme he had bewitched them with sorceries. 12 But assone as they gaue credence to Philippes preachyng of the kyngdome of God, & of the name of Iesu Christ, they were baptysed both men & wemen. 13 Then Simon hym selfe beleued also. And whan he was baptised, he continued wt Philip, and wondred, beholding the miracles & sygnes, which were shewed.