2 Samuel 24:10-17

Great(i) 10 And Dauids hert smote hym, after that he had nombred the people. And Dauid sayde vnto the Lorde: I haue synned excedyngly in that I haue done. And nowe Lorde take awaye the trespace of thy seruaunt: for I haue done very folyshely. 11 And when Dauid was vp in a morninge, the worde of the Lord came vnto the prophet Gad Dauids sear, sayinge: 12 go and saye vnto Dauid, thus sayth the Lord: I offer the thre thynges, chose the which of them I shall do vnto the. 13 So Gad came to Dauid, and shewed him, & sayde vnto him. Wilt thou haue seuen yeres hunger to come in thy lande, or wilt thou flee .iij. monethes before thyne enemies, they folowinge the, or that there be thre dayes pestilence in thy lande? Nowe therfore aduyse the, & se, what answere I shall geue to him that sent me. 14 And Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. We will fall now into the hande of the Lorde, for moch is his mercye, and lett me not falle into the hande of man. 15 And so the Lorde sent a pestilence in Israel. from the mornynge vnto the tyme appoynted. And there dyed of the people from Dan to Beerseba seuenty thousande men. 16 And when the Angell stretched out his hande vpon Ierusalem to destroye it, the Lorde had compassion to do that euell, and sayde to the Angell that destroyed the people: it is nowe sufficient: holde thyne hande. And the angell was by the thresshinge place of Arefna the Iebusite. 17 And Dauid spake vnto the Lorde (when he sawe the angell that smote the people) and sayde: loo, it is I that haue synned, and I that haue done wyckedly. But these shepe, what haue they done? lett thyne hande (I praye the) be agaynst me and agaynst my fathers house.