2 Kings 9:21-27

Great(i) 21 And Iehoram sayde: make ready. And the charet was made ready. And Iehoram kinge of Israel, and Ahaziahu kynge of Iuda went out ether of them in hys charet agaynst Iehu, and met hym in the furlonge of Naboth the Iezraelite. 22 And it fortuned, that when Iehoram sawe Iehu, he sayde: is it peace Iehu? He answered: What peace shulde there be, so longe as the whordoms of thy mother Iezabel, and her witchcraftes are so great? 23 And Iehoram turned his handes, and fledd, and sayde to Ahaziahu: ther is falshed, o Ahaziahu. 24 And Iehu toke a bowe in hys handes, and smote Iehoram betwene the armes, & the arowe went thorowe hys hert. And he fell downe flatt in hys charet. 25 Then sayde Iehu to Bidkar a captayne: take him, & cast him in the platt of the grounde of Naboth the Iezraelite. For I remembre that whan I and thou roade together in a charet after Ahab his father, the Lorde layed this heuy burthen vpon hym. 26 I haue sene yesterdaye the bloud of Naboth, & the bloude of his sonnes, sayde the Lord: & I will quyte it the in this ground, sayth the Lorde. Nowe therfore take him, & cast hym in the plat of ground, accordyng to the worde of the Lorde. 27 But when Ahaziahu the kynge of Iuda sawe this, he fledd by the waye of the garden house. And Iehu folowed after hym, & sayde: smyte him also in the charet: in hys charet. at the goynge vp to Gur by Iiblean, & he fleed to Magiddo, & ther dyed.