2 Kings 24:10-17

Great(i) 10 In that tyme came the seruauntes of Nabuchadnezar kyng of Babilon vp against Ierusalem, & the citye was beseged. 11 And Nabuchadnezar the king of Babylon came agaynst the citye: & his seruauntes dyd besege it. 12 And Iehoachin the kyng of Iuda came out to the kynge of Babylon he and hys mother, hys seruauntes, hys lordes, and hys chamberlaynes. And the kyng of Babilon toke him, in the eyght yere of hys raygne. 13 And he caryed out thence all the treasures of the house of the Lorde, & the treasure of the kynges house: and brake all the vessels of golde, which Salomon kynge of Israel had made in the temple of the Lorde, as the Lorde had sayde. 14 And he caryed awaye all Ierusalem, and all the lordes, and all the strong men of warre, euen .x.M. into captiuite: and all craftes men and kepers, none remayning saue the poore commen people of the lande. 15 And he caryed awaye Iehoachin to Babylon, and the kynges mother, and the kynges wyues, his chamberlayns, and them that were myghty in the lande: those caryed he awaye into captiuyte from Ierusalem to Babilon. 16 And all the actiue men of warre, euen .vij.M. and craftesmen, and porters .M. all that were stronge and apte for warre, dyd the kinge of Babilon bryng to Babilon captyue. 17 And the kynge of Babylon made Mathania hys fathers brother, kynge in his steade, & chaunged hys name to Zedekia.