2 Kings 20

Great(i) 1 About that tyme was Hezekia sycke vnto the deeth. And the prophete Isay the sonne of Amoz came to him, and sayde vnto hym. Thus sayth the Lorde: put thyne housholde in an ordre, for thou shalte die, and not lyue. 2 And Hezekia turned his face to the wall, & prayed vnto the Lorde, sayenge: 3 I beseche the nowe, O Lorde, remembre howe I haue walked before the in trueth and with a perfecte herte, and haue done that which is good in thy syght, and Hezekia wepte sore. 4 And it fortuned that afore Isay was gone out into the myddle of the courte, the worde of the Lorde came to him, sayinge: 5 turne agayne, and tell Hezekia the captayne of my people: Thus sayth the Lorde God of Dauid thy father: I haue herde thy prayer, and sene thy teares. And beholde, I wyll heale the, so that on the thyrde daye thou shalt go vp into the house of the Lorde. 6 And I wyll adde vnto thy dayes yet fyftene yere, and will delyuer the and this cytie out of the hande of the kynge of Assyria, and wyll defende thys cytie for myne awne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake. 7 And Isay sayde. Take a lompe of fygges. And they toke and layed it on the sore, and he recouered. 8 And Hezekia sayde vnto Isay what shalbe the signe, that the Lorde wyll heale me, and that I shall go vp into the house of the Lord the thyrde daye? 9 Isay answered: thys sygne shalt thou haue of the Lorde, that the Lorde will do that he hath spoken. Shall the shadowe go forwarde ten degrees, or go backe agayne ten degrees? 10 Hezekia answered it is a lyght thynge for the shadowe to go downe ten degrees. but yf the shadow go backewarde ten degrees, it is no lyght thynge. 11 And Isay the prophete called vnto the Lorde, and he brought the shadow ten degrees backwarde by which it had gone downe in the dyall of Ahaz. 12 The same ceason Berodach Baladan the sonne of Baladan kynge of Babilon sent letters and a present vnto Hezekia, for he had hearde, howe that Hezekia was sycke. 13 And Hezekia was glad of them, and shewed them all hys treasure house syluer, golde, odoures, preciouse oyntmente, all the house of hys armorye, and all that was founde in hys treasures: there was nothinge in hys house, & in all his realme, that Hezekia shewed them not. 14 And Isay the prophete came vnto kynge Hezekia, and sayde vnto hym. What sayed these men, and from whence came they to the? And Hezekia sayde: they be come from a farre countree, euen from Babilon. 15 And he sayde agayne: what haue they sene in thy house? Hezekia answered: all the thynges that are in my house haue they sene: there is nothynge amonge my treasures, that I haue not shewed them. 16 And Isay sayde vnto Hezekia: heare the worde of the Lorde: 17 Beholde, the dayes come, that all that is in thy house, and whatsoeuer thy fathers haue layde vp in store vnto thys daye shalbe caryed into Babylon, and nothynge shalbe lefte sayth the Lorde. 18 And of thy sonnes (that shall proceade oute of the, and which thou shalt begette) shall they take awaye, and they shalbe chambrelayns in the palayce of the king of Babilon. 19 And Hezekia sayde vnto Isay: wellcome be the worde of the Lorde which thou hast spoken: And he sayde: shall ther not be peace and truthe in my dayes? 20 The remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Hezekia, and all hys power, and howe he made a pole and a conduyte, and brought water into the cytie, are they not written in the boke of the Chronicles of the kynges of Iuda? 21 And Hezekia slepte wt his fathers, and Manasse hys sonne raygned in hys steade.