2 Kings 19:31-34

Great(i) 31 For out of Ierusalem shall go a remnaunt, and a nombre that shall escape out of mount Sion: the Zele of the Lorde of Hostes shall brynge thys thynge to passe. 32 Wherfore, thus sayth the Lorde, concerninge the kinge of Assyria: he shall not come to this cytie, nor shote an arowe into it, nor come before it with shilde, nor cast bancke agaynst it: 33 but shall go backe agayne the waye he came, & shall not come into this cytie sayeth the Lorde. 34 For I will defende this cytie, to saue it, for myne awne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake.