2 Kings 14:16-29

Great(i) 16 and Iehoas slepte with his fathers, and was buryed at Samaria, amonge the kynges of Israel: and Ieroboam hys sonne raygned in hys steade. 17 Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas kynge of Iuda, lyued after the deeth of Iehoas sonne of Iehoahaz kynge of Israel, fyftene yeare. 18 And the remnaunt of the wordes that concerne Amaziahu, are they not wrytten in the boke of the Chronycles of the kynges of Iuda? 19 But they conspired treason agaynst him in Ierusalem: and whan he fled to Lachis, they sent after him to Lachis, and slue hym there. 20 And they brought hym on horses, & he was buryed at Ierusalem wyth hys fathers in the cytie of Dauid. 21 And all the people of Iuda toke Azaria, whych was .xvi. yere olde, and made hym kynge for hys father Amaziahu. 22 He buylt Elath, and brought it agayne to Iuda, after that the kynge was layde to rest wyth hys fathers. 23 In the .xv. yeare of Amaziahu the sonne of Ioas kyng of Iuda, was Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas made kynge ouer Israel in Samaria, and raygned .xli. yere, 24 and wrought that which was euell in the syght of the Lorde. Nether turned he awaye from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat which made Israel to synne. 25 He restored the coaste of Israel from the enterynge of Hemath vnto the see of the wildernes, according to the worde of the Lorde God of Israel, which he spake by the hande of his seruaunt Iona the sonne of Amithai the prophete, which was of Geth hepher. 26 For the Lorde sawe howe that the afflyccyon of Israel was exceadynge bytter, in so moche that the presoned and the forsaken were at an ende. And ther was none to helpe Israel. 27 And the Lorde sayde not, that he wolde putt out the name of Israel from vnder heauen, but he helped them by the hande of Ieroboam the sonne of Ioas. 28 The rest of the wordes that concerne Ieroboam, and all that he dyd, and hys strength, which he executed in the warres, and howe he restored Damasco, and Heniath to Iuda in Israel, are not they written in the boke of the chronycles of the kynges of Israel? 29 And Ieroboam slepte with hys fathers, euen wt the kynges of Israel, and Zacharia his sonne raygned in hys steade.