2 Chronicles 35:2-6

Great(i) 2 And he set the preastes in theyr offyces, and ayded them in the seruice of the house of the Lorde. 3 And he sayde vnto the Leuytes (that taught all Israel, and were sanctifyed vnto the Lord) put the holy arcke in the house whych Salomon the sonne of Dauid kyng of Israel, dyd buyld, there shall no other burthen be layd vpon youre shoulders: But now serue the Lorde youre God and hys people Israel. 4 And prepare yourselues by youre auncient housholdes and companies, accordynge to the wrytynge of Dauid kyng of Israel, and the wrytyng of Salomon his sonne. 5 And stande in the holy place accordynge to the deuisyon of the auncient housholdes of youre brethren the chyldren of the people, & after the deuisyon of the auncient housholdes of the Leuites, 6 kyll passeouer, & sanctifye and prepare youre brethren, that they may do accordyng to the word of the Lorde by the hande of Moses.