1 Samuel 2:29-36

Great(i) 29 Wherfore treade ye downe my sacrifice and myne offeryng, which I commaunded to be made in the Tabernacle, & honorest thy chyldren aboue me, to make youre selues fatt of the first frutes of all the offerynges of Israel my people? 30 Wherfore the lorde God of Israell sayeth: I sayde, that thy house and the house of thy father shuld walke before me for euer. But now the lorde sayeth: that be farre from me: for them that worshipe me, I will worshipe, & they that despyse me, shall come to shame. 31 Beholde, the dayes come, that I will cut of thyne arme, & the arme of thy fathers house, that there shal not be an elder in thine house. 32 And thou shalt se thyne enemye in the tabernacle of the lorde, & in all that welthe which God shal giue Israell, & there shall not be an elder in thyne house for euer. 33 Neuerthelesse, I wyll not destroye all the males that come of the fro myne aultare. But to make thyne eyes dase, & to make thyne hert melte. And all they that be multiplyed in thyne house, shall dye, yf they be men. 34 And this shalbe a signe vnto the, that shall come vpon thy two sonnes Hophny & Phinehes: euen in one daye they shall dye both. 35 And I wyll stere me vp a faythfull preste, that shall do accordynge to my herte and mynde: And I will buylde him a sure house. And he shall walke before myne anoynted for euer. 36 And they that are left in thyne house, shall come, and crouch to him for a lytle pece of syluer & a cake of bread, & shall saye: put me (I praye the) in one offyce or other amonge the prestes, that I maye eate a morsell of bread.