1 Kings 10:1-13

Great(i) 1 And the Quene of Saba hearynge the fame of Salomon (concernynge the name of the Lorde) came to proue him with harde questyons. 2 And she came to Ierusalem with a very great trayne: with Camelles that bare swete odoures, and golde exceadynge moche, and preciouse stones. And she came to Salomon and comoned with him of all that was in her hert. 3 And Salomon declared vnto her all her questions, so that there was not one thinge hydd from the kynge, which he expounded not vnto her. 4 And the quene of Saba consydred all Salomons wysdome, and the house that he had buylded, 5 and the meate of his table, & the syttynge of hys seruauntes, the order of hys mynisters, and theyr apparell, hys dryncke, and his burnt sacrifices that he offered in the house of the Lorde, and she was astonnied. 6 And she sayde vnto the kynge. It was a true worde that I hearde in myne awne lande of thy sayinges, and of thy wysdome. 7 Howbeit I beleued it not, tyll I came, & sawe it wyth myne eyes. And beholde, the one halfe was not tolde me: for thy wysdome and prosperite exceadeth the fame whych I hearde of the. 8 Happy are thy men: and happye are these thy seruauntes, which stande euer before the, and heare thy wysdome. 9 Blessed be the Lord thy god, which loued the, to set the on the seat of Israel, because the Lord loued Israel for euer, and made the kynge, to do equyte and ryghtewysnesse. 10 And she gaue the kynge syxe skore hundred weight of golde, and of swete odoures excedynge moch, and preciouse stones. There came nomore soche aboundaunce of swete odoures, as the quene of Saba gaue to kynge Salomon. 11 The nauye also of the shyppes of Hyram (that caryed golde from Ophyr) brought lyke wyse greate plenty of Almuge tre and preciouse stones. 12 And the kynge made of the Almuge trees, pillers for the house of the Lorde and for the kynges palace, and made harpes and psalteryes for syngers. There came no moare suche Almuge trees, nor were anye moare sene vnto thys daye. 13 And kyng Salomon gaue vnto the Quene of Saba accordynge to all her desyre whatsoeuer she asked: besydes that he gaue her of a fre wyll with his awne hande. And so she returned vnto her awne countrey: both she, and her seruauntes.