1 Chronicles 25:1-26

Great(i) 1 And so Dauid and the captaynes of the hoste appoynted out to do seruyce, the sonnes of Asaph Heman and Ieduthun, whan they dyd prophesye wyth harpes, psalteries and simbales. And there was a multitude of the men that were appoynted to the seruyce and mynistracyon. 2 Of the sonnes of Asaph: Zaccur, Ioseph, Nathania and Aserela that wayted on Asaph, whych prophesyed by the kynge. 3 Of Ieduthun: the sonnes of Ieduthun: Gedeliahu, Zeri, Iesaiahu, Hasabiahu, and Mathithiahu syxe, vnder the handes of theyr father Ieduthun, whych prophesyed wyth a harpe, for to geue thankes & prayses vnto the lord. 4 Of Heman the sonnes of Heman: Buklahu, Mathaniahu, Uziel, Zebuel, Ierimoth, Hanania, Hanani, Eliatha, Gedalthi, Romanthi, Ezer, Iosbekasa, malothi. Hothir, & Mahazioth. 5 All these were the sonnes of Heman which was the kynges Sear in the wordes of God to lyfte vp the horne of the regall dignitie. And God gaue to Heman .xiiij. sonnes and the daughters. 6 All these also were at the hande of their father synging in the house of the Lorde wt simbales, psalteries & harpes, whan Asaph Ieduthun and Heman executed the seruyce in the house of God, at the kinges hande. 7 And the multitude of them wyth their brethren that were instructe in the songes of the Lord: euen all that were connyng, were two hundred foure skore & eyght. 8 And they cast Lottes among them selues howe they shulde wayte as well for the small as for the greate, for the scoler as well as for the skole master. 9 And the fyrst lot in Asaph fell to Ioseph. The seconde to Gedeliahu (wyth his brethren and sonnes) whych men were twelue. 10 The thirde fell to Zaccur wyth hys sonnes & brethren beyng twelue persones. 11 The fourth to Izri with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 12 The fyfte to Nathaniahu with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 13 The syxte to Bukiahu with hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 14 The seuenth to Iesarela with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes. 15 The eyght to Iesaiahu with his sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes. 16 The nynth to Mathaniahu with hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 17 The tenth to Simei with his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 18 The eleuenth to Azarael wyth hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 19 The twelueth to Hasabia wyth hys sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 20 The thyrtenth to Subael wyth hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes. 21 The fourtenth to Mathathiahu wt hys sonnes & brethren twelue personnes: 22 The fyftenth to Ieremoth wt his sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes. 23 The syxtenth to Hananiahu wyth his sonnes and brethren, twelue personnes. 24 The .xvii. to Iosbekasa wyth his sonnes, and brethren twelue personnes. 25 The eyghtenth to Hanani with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes. 26 The nynetenth to Malothi with hys sonnes & brethren, twelue personnes.