1 Chronicles 21:1-5

Great(i) 1 And Satan stode vp agaynst Israel, & prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel. 2 And Dauid sayde to Ioab and to the rulers of the people. Go ye and nombre Israel from Beer Seba to Dan, and brynge it to me that I maye know the nombre of them. 3 And Ioab answered: the Lorde make hys people an hundred tymes so manye mo as they be. But my Lorde O king, are they not all my Lordes seruauntes? why then doth my Lorde requyre thys thynge? why wyll my Lorde be a cause of trespace to Israel? 4 Neuerthelesse, the kynges worde preuayled agaynst Ioab. And Ioab departed and walked thorowe out all them of Israel, and came to Ierusalem agayne 5 & gaue the nombre of the counte of the people vnto Dauid. And all they of Israel were a thousand thousande & an hundred thousande men that drue swerde: and Iuda was .cccc.lxx. thousande men that drue swerd.