Sirach 43

Geneva(i) 1 This high ornament the cleare firmament, the beautie of the heauen so glorious to beholde, 2 The sunne also, a marueilous instrument when it appeareth, declareth, at his going out, the worke of the most High. 3 At noone it burneth the countrey, and who may abide for the heate thereof? 4 The sunne burneth the mountaines three times more then hee that keepeth a fornace with continuall heate: it casteth out the fierie vapours, and with the shining beames blindeth the eyes. 5 Great is the Lorde that made it, and by his commandement he causeth it to runne hastily. 6 The moone also hath hee made to appeare according to her season, that it should be a declaration of the time, and a signe for the world. 7 The feastes are appointed by the moone: the light thereof diminisheth vnto the ende. 8 The moneth is called after the name thereof, and groweth wonderously in her changing. 9 It is a campe pitched on high, shining in the firmament of heauen: the beautie of heauen are the glorious starres, and the ornament that shineth in the high places of the Lord. 10 By the comandement of the Holy one they continue in their order, & faile not in their watch. 11 Looke vpon the raine bowe, and prayse him that made it: very beautifull is it in the brightnes thereof. 12 It compasseth the heauen about with a glorious circle, and the hands of the most High haue bended it. 13 Through his commandement he maketh the snowe to haste, and sendeth swiftly the lightning of his iudgement. 14 Therefore he openeth his treasures, and the cloudes flie forth as the foules. 15 In his power hath he strengthened ye clouds, and broken the hailestones. 16 The mountaines leape at the sight of him: the South winde bloweth according to his will. 17 The sound of his thunder beateth the earth: so doeth the storme of the North: the whirlewinde also, as birds that flie, scattereth the snowe, and the falling downe thereof is as the grashoppers that light downe. 18 The eye marueileth at the beautie of the whitenes thereof, and the heart is astonished at the raine of it. 19 He also powreth out the frost vpon ye earth like salte, and when it is frosen, it sticketh on the tops of pales. 20 When the colde North winde bloweth, an yce is frosen of the water, it abideth vpon all the gatherings together of water, and clotheth the waters as with a brestplate. 21 It deuoureth the mountaines, & burneth the wildernes, & destroyeth that that is greene, like fire. 22 The remedie of all these is when a cloude commeth hastily, and when a dewe commeth vpon the heate, it refresheth it. 23 By his worde he stilleth the winde: by his counsell he appeaseth the deepe, & planteth ylands therein. 24 They that saile ouer the sea, tell of the perils thereof, and when we heare it with our eares, we marueile thereat. 25 For there be strange, & wonderous workes, diuers maner of beasts, and the creation of whales. 26 Through him are all things directed to a good end, and are stablished by his worde. 27 And when we haue spoken much, we cannot attaine vnto them: but this is the summe of all, that he is all. 28 What power haue we to prayse him: for he is aboue all his workes? 29 The Lord is terrible, and very great, and marueilous is his power. 30 Prayse the Lord, and magnifie him as much as ye can, yet doeth hee farre exceede: exalt him with all your power, and be not wearie, yet can ye not attaine vnto it. 31 Who hath seene him, that he might tel vs? and who can magnifie him as he is? 32 For there are hid yet greater things then these be, & we haue seene but a fewe of his workes. 33 For the Lord hath made all things, & giuen wisdome to such as feare God.