Sirach 38

Geneva(i) 1 Honour the Phisicion with that honour that is due vnto him, because of necessitie: for the Lord hath created him. 2 For of the most High cometh healing, and he shall receiue giftes of the King. 3 The knowledge of the Phisicion lifteth vp his head, and in the sight of great men he shalbe in admiration. 4 The Lorde hath created medicines of the earth, and he that is wise, will not abhorre them. 5 Was not the water made sweete with wood, that men might know the vertue thereof? 6 So he hath giuen men knowledge, that he might be glorified in his wonderous workes. 7 With such doeth he heale men, and taketh away their paines. 8 Of such doeth the Apothecarie make a confection, and yet he cannot finish his owne workes: for of the Lorde commeth prosperitie and wealth ouer all the earth. 9 My sonne, faile not in thy sicknes, but pray vnto the Lord, and he will make thee whole. 10 Leaue off from sinne, and order thine hands aright, and cleanse thine heart from all wickednes. 11 Offer sweete incense, and fine flowre for a remembrance: make the offering fat, for thou art not the first giuer. 12 Then giue place to the phisicion: for the Lord hath created him: let him not go from thee, for thou hast neede of him. 13 The houre may come, that their enterprises may haue good successe. 14 For they also shall pray vnto the Lord, that he would prosper that, which is giuen for ease, and their phisicke for the prolonging of life. 15 He that sinneth before his maker, let him fall into the hands of the phisicion. 16 My sonne, powre foorth teares ouer the dead, and begin to mourne, as if thou haddest suffered great harme thy selfe, and then couer his body according to his appointment, and neglect not his buriall. 17 Make a grieuous lamentation, and be earnest in mourning, and vse lamentation as he is worthy, and that, a day or two, least thou be euil spoken of, and then comfort thy selfe for thine heauines. 18 For of heauines commeth death, and the heauines of the heart breaketh the strength. 19 Of the affection of the heart commeth sorow, and the life of him that is afflicted, is according to his heart. 20 Take no heauines to heart: driue it away and remember the last end. 21 Forget it not: for there is no turning againe: thou shalt doe him no good, but hurt thy selfe. 22 Remember his iudgement: thine also shalbe likewise, vnto me yesterday, and vnto thee to day. 23 Seeing the dead is at rest, let his remembrance rest, and comfort thy selfe againe for him, when his spirit is departed from him. 24 The wisdome of a learned man commeth by vsing well his vacant time: and hee that ceaseth from his owne matters and labour, may come by wisdome. 25 How can he get wisdome that holdeth the plough, and he that hath pleasure in the goad, and in driuing oxen, and is occupied in their labours, and talketh but of the breed of bullocks? 26 He giueth his minde to make furrowes, and is diligent to giue the kine fodder. 27 So is it of euery carpenter, and workemaster that laboureth night and day: and they that cut, and graue seales, and make sundry diuersities, and giue themselues to counterfaite imagerie, and watch to performe the worke. 28 The smith in like maner abideth by his anuill, and doeth his diligence to labour the yron: the vapour of the fire dryeth his flesh, and hee must fight with the heate of the fornace: the noyse of the hammer is euer in his eares, and his eyes looke still vpon the thing that he maketh: he setteth his minde to make vp his workes: therefore he watcheth to polish it perfectly. 29 So doeth the potter sit by his worke: he turneth the wheele about with his feete: he is carefull alway at his worke, & maketh his worke by number. 30 Hee fashioneth the clay with his arme, and with his feete hee tempereth the hardnes thereof: his heart imagineth how to couer it with leade, and his diligence is to cleanse the ouen. 31 All these hope in their hands, and euery one bestoweth his wisdome in his worke. 32 Without these cannot the cities be mainteined, nor inhabited, nor occupied. 33 And yet they are not asked their iudgement in the counsell of the people, neither are they hie in the congregation, neither sit they vpon the iudgement seates, nor vnderstand ye order of iustice: they cannot declare matters according to the forme of the Lawe, and they are not meete for hard matters. 34 But they maintaine the state of the world, and their desire is concerning their worke and occupation.