Matthew 27:3-10

Geneva(i) 3 Then when Iudas which betraied him, sawe that hee was condemned, hee repented himselfe, and brought againe the thirtie pieces of siluer to the chiefe Priestes, and Elders, 4 Saying, I haue sinned, betraying the innocent bloud. But they sayde, What is that to vs? see thou to it. 5 And when hee had cast downe the siluer pieces in the Temple, hee departed, and went, and hanged himselfe. 6 And the chiefe Priestes tooke the siluer pieces, and sayde, It is not lawfull for vs to put them into the treasure, because it is the price of bloud. 7 And they tooke counsell, and bought with them a potters fielde, for the buriall of strangers. 8 Wherefore that field is called, The field of bloud, vntill this day. 9 (Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Ieremias the Prophet, saying, And they tooke thirtie siluer pieces, ye price of him that was valued, whom they of ye children of Israel valued. 10 And they gaue them for the potters fielde, as the Lord appointed me.)