Matthew 17:1-13

Geneva(i) 1 And after sixe dayes, Iesus tooke Peter, and Iames and Iohn his brother, and brought them vp into an hie mountaine apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the Sunne, and his clothes were as white as the light. 3 And beholde, there appeared vnto them Moses, and Elias, talking with him. 4 Then answered Peter, and saide to Iesus, Master, it is good for vs to be here: if thou wilt, let vs make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloude shadowed them: and beholde, there came a voyce out of the cloude, saying, This is that my beloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased: heare him. 6 And when the disciples heard that, they fell on their faces, and were sore afraide. 7 Then Iesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraide. 8 And when they lifted vp their eyes, they sawe no man, saue Iesus onely. 9 And as they came downe from the moutaine, Iesus charged them, saying, Shewe the vision to no man, vntil the Sonne of man rise againe from the dead. 10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the Scribes that Elias must first come? 11 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, Certeinely Elias must first come, and restore all thinges. 12 But I say vnto you that Elias is come alreadie, and they knewe him not, but haue done vnto him whatsoeuer they would: likewise shall also the Sonne of man suffer of them. 13 Then the disciples perceiued that he spake vnto them of Iohn Baptist.