Matthew 15:1-21:46

Geneva(i) 1 Then came to Iesus the Scribes and Pharises, which were of Hierusalem, saying, 2 Why do thy disciples transgresse the tradition of the Elders? for they wash not their hands when they eate bread. 3 But he answered and said vnto them, Why doe yee also transgresse the commandement of God by your tradition? 4 For God hath commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. 5 But ye say, Whosoeuer shall say to father or mother, By the gift that is offered by me, thou maiest haue profite, 6 Though hee honour not his father, or his mother, shalbe free: thus haue ye made the commandement of God of no aucthoritie by your tradition. 7 O hypocrites, Esaias prophecied well of you, saying, 8 This people draweth neere vnto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with the lips, but their heart is farre off from me. 9 But in vaine they worship me, teaching for doctrines, mens precepts. 10 Then hee called the multitude vnto him, and said to them, Heare and vnderstand. 11 That which goeth into the mouth, defileth not the man, but that which commeth out of the mouth, that defileth the man. 12 Then came his disciples, and saide vnto him, Perceiuest thou not, that the Pharises are offended in hearing this saying? 13 But hee answered and saide, Euery plant which mine heauenly Father hath not planted, shalbe rooted vp. 14 Let them alone, they be the blinde leaders of the blinde: and if the blinde leade ye blinde, both shall fall into the ditche. 15 Then answered Peter, and said to him, Declare vnto vs this parable. 16 Then said Iesus, Are ye yet without vnderstanding? 17 Perceiue ye not yet, that whatsoeuer entreth into the mouth, goeth into the bellie, and is cast out into the draught? 18 But those thinges which proceede out of the mouth, come from the heart, and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart come euil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, slaunders. 20 These are the things, which defile the man: but to eat with vnwashen hands, defileth not ye man. 21 And Iesus went thence, and departed into the coastes of Tyrus and Sidon. 22 And beholde, a woman a Cananite came out of the same coasts, and cried, saying vnto him, Haue mercie on me, O Lord, the sonne of Dauid: my daughter is miserably vexed with a deuil. 23 But hee answered her not a worde. Then came to him his disciples, and besought him, saying, Sende her away, for she crieth after vs. 24 But he answered, and said, I am not sent, but vnto the lost sheepe of the house of Israel. 25 Yet she came, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, helpe me. 26 And he answered, and said, It is not good to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to whelps. 27 But she said, Trueth, Lord: yet in deede the whelpes eate of the crommes, which fall from their masters table. 28 Then Iesus answered, and saide vnto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it to thee, as thou desirest. And her daughter was made whole at that houre. 29 So Iesus went away from thence, and came neere vnto the sea of Galile, and went vp into a mountaine and sate downe there. 30 And great multitudes came vnto him, hauing with them, halt, blinde, dumme, maymed, and many other, and cast them downe at Iesus feete, and he healed them. 31 In so much that the multitude wondered, to see the dumme speake, the maimed whole, the halt to goe, and the blinde to see: and they glorified the God of Israel. 32 Then Iesus called his disciples vnto him, and said, I haue compassion on this multitude, because they haue continued with mee already three dayes, and haue nothing to eate: and I wil not let them depart fasting, least they faint in the way. 33 And his disciples saide vnto him, Whence should we get so much bread in the wildernes, as should suffice so great a multitude! 34 And Iesus said vnto them, How many loaues haue ye? And they said, Seuen, and a few litle fishes. 35 Then he commanded the multitude to sit downe on the ground, 36 And tooke the seuen loaues, and the fishes, and gaue thankes, and brake them, and gaue to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. 37 And they did all eate, and were sufficed: and they tooke vp of the fragments that remained, seuen baskets full. 38 And they that had eaten, were foure thousand men, beside women, and litle children. 39 Then Iesus sent away the multitude, and tooke ship, and came into the partes of Magdala. 16 1 Then came the Pharises and Sadduces, and did tempt him, desiring him to shew them a signe from heauen. 2 But he answered, and said vnto them, When it is euening, ye say, Faire wether: for ye skie is red. 3 And in the morning ye say, To day shall be a tempest: for the skie is red and lowring. O hypocrites, ye can discerne the face of the skie, and can ye not discerne the signes of the times? 4 The wicked generation, and adulterous seeketh a signe, but there shall no signe be giuen it, but that signe of the Prophet Ionas: so hee left them, and departed. 5 And when his disciples were come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread with them. 6 Then Iesus said vnto them, Take heede and beware of the leauen of the Pharises and Sadduces. 7 And they reasoned among themselues, saying, It is because we haue brought no bread. 8 But Iesus knowing it, saide vnto them, O ye of litle faith, why reason you thus among your selues, because ye haue brought no bread? 9 Doe ye not yet perceiue, neither remember the fiue loaues, when there were fiue thousand men, and how many baskets tooke ye vp? 10 Neither the seuen loaues when there were foure thousande men, and howe many baskets tooke ye vp? 11 Why perceiue ye not that I said not vnto you concerning bread, that ye shoulde beware of the leauen of the Pharises and Sadduces? 12 Then vnderstood they that he had not said that they should beware of the leauen of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharises, and Sadduces. 13 Nowe when Iesus came into the coastes of Cesarea Philippi, hee asked his disciples, saying, Whome doe men say that I, the sonne of man am? 14 And they said, Some say, Iohn Baptist: and some, Elias: and others, Ieremias, or one of the Prophets. 15 He said vnto them, But whome say ye that I am? 16 Then Simon Peter answered, and said, Thou art that Christ, the Sonne of the liuing God. 17 And Iesus answered, and saide to him, Blessed art thou, Simon, the sonne of Ionas: for flesh and blood hath not reueiled it vnto thee, but my Father which is in heauen. 18 And I say also vnto thee, that thou art Peter, and vpon this rocke I will builde my Church: and ye gates of hell shall not ouercome it. 19 And I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen, and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth, shalbe bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heauen. 20 Then hee charged his disciples, that they should tell no man that he was Iesus that Christ. 21 From that time foorth Iesus beganne to shewe vnto his disciples, that he must goe vnto Hierusalem, and suffer many thinges of the Elders, and of the hie Priestes, and Scribes, and be slaine, and be raised againe the thirde day. 22 Then Peter tooke him aside, and began to rebuke him, saying, Master, pitie thy selfe: this shall not be vnto thee. 23 Then he turned backe, and said vnto Peter, Get thee behinde me, Satan: thou art an offence vnto me, because thou vnderstandest not the thinges that are of God, but the thinges that are of men. 24 Iesus then saide to his disciples, If any man will follow me, let him forsake himselfe: and take vp his crosse, and follow me. 25 For whosoeuer will saue his life, shall lose it: and whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake, shall finde it. 26 For what shall it profite a man though he should winne the whole worlde, if hee lose his owne soule? or what shall a man giue for recompence of his soule? 27 For the Sonne of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels, and then shall he giue to euery man according to his deedes. 28 Verely I say vnto you, there bee some of them that stande here, which shall not taste of death, till they haue seene the Sonne of man come in his kingdome. 17 1 And after sixe dayes, Iesus tooke Peter, and Iames and Iohn his brother, and brought them vp into an hie mountaine apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the Sunne, and his clothes were as white as the light. 3 And beholde, there appeared vnto them Moses, and Elias, talking with him. 4 Then answered Peter, and saide to Iesus, Master, it is good for vs to be here: if thou wilt, let vs make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. 5 While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloude shadowed them: and beholde, there came a voyce out of the cloude, saying, This is that my beloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased: heare him. 6 And when the disciples heard that, they fell on their faces, and were sore afraide. 7 Then Iesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraide. 8 And when they lifted vp their eyes, they sawe no man, saue Iesus onely. 9 And as they came downe from the moutaine, Iesus charged them, saying, Shewe the vision to no man, vntil the Sonne of man rise againe from the dead. 10 And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the Scribes that Elias must first come? 11 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto them, Certeinely Elias must first come, and restore all thinges. 12 But I say vnto you that Elias is come alreadie, and they knewe him not, but haue done vnto him whatsoeuer they would: likewise shall also the Sonne of man suffer of them. 13 Then the disciples perceiued that he spake vnto them of Iohn Baptist. 14 And when they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certaine man, and fell downe at his feete, 15 And saide, Master, haue pitie on my sonne: for he is lunatike, and is sore vexed: for oft times he falleth into the fire, and oft times into the water. 16 And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not heale him. 17 Then Iesus answered, and said, O generation faithlesse, and crooked, how long now shall I be with you! howe long nowe shall I suffer you! bring him hither to me. 18 And Iesus rebuked the deuill, and he went out of him: and the childe was healed at that houre. 19 Then came the disciples to Iesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out? 20 And Iesus said vnto them, Because of your vnbeliefe: for verely I say vnto you, if ye haue faith as much as is a graine of mustarde seede, ye shall say vnto this mountaine, Remooue hence to yonder place, and it shall remoue: and nothing shalbe vnpossible vnto you. 21 Howbeit this kinde goeth not out, but by prayer and fasting. 22 And they being in Galile, Iesus said vnto them, The Sonne of man shall be deliuered into the handes of men, 23 And they shall kill him, but the thirde day shall he rise againe: and they were very sorie. 24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that receiued polle money, came to Peter, and sayd, Doeth not your Master pay polle money? 25 He sayd, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Iesus preuented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? Of whome doe the Kings of the earth take tribute, or polle money? of their children, or of strangers? 26 Peter sayd vnto him, Of strangers. Then said Iesus vnto him, Then are the children free. 27 Neuerthelesse, lest we should offend them: goe to the sea, and cast in an angle, and take the first fish that commeth vp, and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt finde a piece of twentie pence: that take, and giue it vnto them for me and thee. 18 1 The same time the disciples came vnto Iesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen? 2 And Iesus called a litle childe vnto him, and set him in the mids of them, 3 And sayd, Verely I say vnto you, except ye be conuerted, and become as litle children, ye shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen. 4 Whosoeuer therefore shall humble himselfe as this litle childe, the same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen. 5 And whosoeuer shall receiue one such litle childe in my name, receiueth me. 6 But whosoeuer shall offend one of these litle ones which beleeue in me, it were better for him, that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Wo be vnto the world because of offences: for it must needes be that offences shall come, but wo be to that man by whome the offence commeth. 8 Wherefore, if thy hand or thy foote cause thee to offend, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life, halt, or maimed, then hauing two hands, or two feete, to be cast into euerlasting fire. 9 And if thine eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire. 10 See that ye despise not one of these litle ones: for I say vnto you, that in heauen their Angels alwayes behold the face of my Father which is in heauen. 11 For the Sonne of man is come to saue that which was lost. 12 How thinke ye? If a man haue an hundreth sheepe, and one of them be gone astray, doeth he not leaue ninetie and nine, and go into the mountaines, and seeke that which is gone astray? 13 And if so be that he finde it, verely I say vnto you, he reioyceth more of that sheepe, then of the ninetie and nine which went not astray: 14 So is it not ye wil of your Father which is in heauen, that one of these litle ones should perish. 15 Moreouer, if thy brother trespasse against thee, goe and tell him his fault betweene thee and him alone: if he heare thee, thou hast wonne thy brother. 16 But if he heare thee not, take yet with thee one or two, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses euery worde may be confirmed. 17 And if he refuse to heare them, tell it vnto the Church: and if he refuse to heare the Church also, let him be vnto thee as an heathen man, and a Publicane. 18 Verely I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye bind on earth, shall be bound in heauen: and whatsoeuer ye loose on earth, shalbe loosed in heauen. 19 Againe, verely I say vnto you, that if two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing, whatsoeuer they shall desire, it shall be giuen them of my Father which is in heauen. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the mids of them. 21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Master, howe oft shall my brother sinne against me, and I shall forgiue him? vnto seuen times? 22 Iesus said vnto him, I say not to thee, Vnto seuen times, but, Vnto seuentie times seuen times. 23 Therefore is the kingdome of heauen likened vnto a certaine King, which would take an account of his seruants. 24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought vnto him, which ought him ten thousand talents. 25 And because he had nothing to pay, his Lord commanded him to be solde, and his wife, and his children, and all that he had, and the dette to be payed. 26 The seruant therefore fell downe, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, refraine thine anger toward me, and I will pay thee all. 27 Then that seruants Lord had compassion, and loosed him, and forgaue him the dette. 28 But when the seruant was departed, hee found one of his felow seruants, which ought him an hundred pence, and he layde hands on him, and thratled him, saying, Pay me that thou owest. 29 Then his fellow seruant fell downe at his feete, and besought him, saying, Refraine thine anger towards me, and I will pay thee all. 30 Yet he would not, but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the dette. 31 And when his other felowe seruants sawe what was done, they were very sory, and came, and declared vnto their Lord all that was done. 32 Then his Lord called him vnto him, and sayd to him, O euil seruant, I forgaue thee all that dette, because thou prayedst me. 33 Oughtest not thou also to haue had pitie on thy fellowe seruant, euen as I had pitie on thee? 34 So his Lord was wroth, and deliuered him to the tormentours, till he should pay all that was due to him. 35 So likewise shall mine heauenly Father doe vnto you, except ye forgiue from your hearts, eche one to his brother their trespasses. 19 1 And it came to passe, that when Iesus had finished these sayings, he departed from Galile, and came into ye coasts of Iudea beyond Iordan. 2 And great multitudes followed him, and he healed them there. 3 Then came vnto him the Pharises tempting him, and saying to him, Is it lawfull for a man to put away his wife vpon euery occasion? 4 And he answered and sayd vnto them, Haue ye not read, that hee which made them at the beginning, made them male and female, 5 And sayd, For this cause, shall a man leaue father and mother, and cleaue vnto his wife, and they which were two shalbe one flesh. 6 Wherefore they are no more twaine, but one flesh. Let not man therefore put asunder that, which God hath coupled together. 7 They said to him, Why did then Moses commaund to giue a bill of diuorcement, and to put her away? 8 He sayd vnto them, Moses, because of the hardnesse of your heart, suffered you to put away your wiues: but from the beginning it was not so. 9 I say therefore vnto you, that whosoeuer shall put away his wife, except it be for whoredome, and marry another, committeth adulterie: and whosoeuer marieth her which is diuorced, doeth commit adulterie. 10 Then sayd his disciples to him, If the matter be so betweene man and wife, it is not good to marry. 11 But he sayd vnto them, All men cannot receiue this thing, saue they to whom it is giuen. 12 For there are some eunuches, which were so borne of their mothers belly: and there be some eunuches, which be gelded by men: and there be some eunuches, which haue gelded them selues for the kingdome of heauen. He that is able to receiue this, let him receiue it. 13 Then were brought to him litle children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Iesus sayd, Suffer the litle children, and forbid them not to come to me: for of such is the kingdome of heauen. 15 And when he had put his hands on them, he departed thence. 16 And beholde, one came and sayd vnto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I doe, that I may haue eternall life? 17 And he said vnto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, eue God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keepe ye commandemets. 18 He sayd to him, Which? And Iesus sayde, These, Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnesse. 19 Honour thy father and mother: and thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. 20 The yong man sayd vnto him, I haue obserued all these things from my youth: what lacke I yet? 21 Iesus sayd vnto him, If thou wilt be perfite, go, sell that thou hast, and giue it to the poore, and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come, and follow me. 22 And when the yong man heard that saying, he went away sorowfull: for he had great possessions. 23 Then Iesus sayd vnto his disciples, Verely I say vnto you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen. 24 And againe I say vnto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to enter into ye kingdome of God. 25 And whe his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amased, saying, Who then can be saued? 26 And Iesus behelde them, and sayde vnto them, With men this is vnpossible, but with God all things are possible. 27 Then answered Peter, and said to him, Beholde, we haue forsaken all, and followed thee: what therefore shall we haue? 28 And Iesus said vnto them, Verely I say to you, that when the Sonne of man shall sit in the throne of his maiestie, ye which folowed me in the regeneration, shall sit also vpon twelue thrones and iudge the twelue tribes of Israel. 29 And whosoeuer shall forsake houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my Names sake, he shall receiue an hundreth folde more, and shall inherite euerlasting life. 30 But many that are first, shalbe last, and the last shalbe first. 20 1 For the kingdome of heauen is like vnto a certaine, housholder, which went out at the dawning of the day to hire labourers into his vineyarde. 2 And he agreed with the labourers for a peny a day, and sent them into his vineyard. 3 And he went out about the third houre, and sawe other standing idle in the market place, 4 And sayd vnto them, Goe ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoeuer is right, I will giue you: and they went their way. 5 Againe he went out about the sixt and ninth houre, and did likewise. 6 And he went about the eleuenth houre, and found other standing idle, and sayd vnto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? 7 They sayd vnto him, Because no man hath hired vs. He sayd to them, Goe ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoeuer is right, that shall ye receiue. 8 And when euen was come, the master of the vineyard sayd vnto his steward, Call the labourers, and giue them their hire, beginning at the last, till thou come to the first. 9 And they which were hired about ye eleuenth houre, came and receiued euery man a penie. 10 Nowe when the first came, they supposed that they should receiue more, but they likewise receiued euery man a penie. 11 And when they had receiued it, they murmured against the master of the house, 12 Saying, These last haue wrought but one houre, and thou hast made them equall vnto vs, which haue borne the burden and heate of the day. 13 And hee answered one of them, saying, Friend, I doe thee no wrong: didst thou not agree with me for a penie? 14 Take that which is thine owne, and go thy way: I will giue vnto this last, as much as to thee. 15 Is it not lawfull for me to do as I will with mine owne? Is thine eye euil, because I am good? 16 So the last shalbe first, and the first last: for many are called, but fewe chosen. 17 And Iesus went vp to Hierusalem, and tooke the twelue disciples apart in the way, and said vnto them, 18 Beholde, wee goe vp to Hierusalem, and the Sonne of man shall bee deliuered vnto the chiefe priestes, and vnto the Scribes, and they shall condemne him to death, 19 And shall deliuer him to the Gentiles, to mocke, and to scourge, and to crucifie him, but the third day he shall rise againe. 20 Then came to him the mother of Zebedeus children with her sonnes, worshipping him, and desiring a certaine thing of him. 21 And he said vnto her, What wouldest thou? She said to him, Graunt that these my two sonnes may sit, the one at thy right hand, and the other at thy left hand in thy kingdome. 22 And Iesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye aske. Are ye able to drinke of the cup that I shall drinke of, and to be baptized with the baptisme that I shalbe baptized with? They said to him, We are able. 23 And he said vnto them, Ye shall drinke in deede of my cup, and shall be baptized with the baptisme, that I am baptized with, but to sit at my right hande, and at my left hand, is not mine to giue: but it shalbe giuen to them for whome it is prepared of my Father. 24 And when the other ten heard this, they disdained at the two brethren. 25 Therefore Iesus called them vnto him, and saide, We knowe that the lordes of the Gentiles haue domination ouer them, and they that are great, exercise authoritie ouer them. 26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoeuer will be great among you, let him be your seruant. 27 And whosoeuer will be chiefe among you, let him be your seruant. 28 Euen as the Sonne of man came not to be serued, but to serue, and to giue his life for the ransome of many. 29 And as they departed from Iericho, a great multitude followed him. 30 And beholde, two blinde men, sitting by the way side, when they heard that Iesus passed by, cryed, saying, O Lord, the Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie on vs. 31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should holde their peace: but they cried the more, saying, O Lord, the Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie on vs. 32 Then Iesus stoode still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I should do to you? 33 They saide to him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. 34 And Iesus mooued with compassion, touched their eyes, and immediatly their eyes receiued sight, and they followed him. 21 1 And when they drewe neere to Hierusalem, and were come to Bethphage, vnto the mount of the Oliues, then sent Iesus two disciples, 2 Saying to them, Goe into the towne that is ouer against you, and anon yee shall finde an asse bounde, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them vnto me. 3 And if any man say ought vnto you, say ye, that the Lord hath neede of them, and straightway he will let them goe. 4 All this was done that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the Prophet, saying, 5 Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee, meeke and sitting vpon an asse, and a colte, the foale of an asse vsed to the yoke. 6 So the disciples went, and did as Iesus had commanded them, 7 And brought the asse and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and set him thereon. 8 And a great multitude spred their garments in the way: and other cut downe branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9 Moreouer, the people that went before, and they also that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Sonne of Dauid, Blessed be hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna thou which art in the highest heauens. 10 And when he was come into Hierusalem, all the citie was mooued, saying, Who is this? 11 And the people said, This is Iesus that Prophet of Nazareth in Galile. 12 And Iesus went into the Temple of God, and cast out all them that solde and bought in the Temple, and ouerthrew the tables of the money chagers, and the seates of them that sold doues, 13 And said to them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye haue made it a denne of theeues. 14 Then the blinde, and the halt came to him in the Temple, and he healed them. 15 But when the chiefe priestes and Scribes sawe the marueiles that hee did, and the children crying in the Temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Sonne of Dauid, they disdained, 16 And said vnto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Iesus said vnto them, Yea: read ye neuer, By the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast made perfite the praise? 17 So hee left them, and went out of the citie vnto Bethania, and lodged there. 18 And in the morning, as he returned into the citie, he was hungrie, 19 And seeing a figge tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaues onely, and said to it, Neuer fruite grow on thee henceforwards. And anon the figge tree withered. 20 And when his disciples saw it, they marueiled, saying, How soone is the figge tree withered! 21 And Iesus answered and said vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, if ye haue faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only doe that, which I haue done to the figge tree, but also if ye say vnto this mountaine, Take thy selfe away, and cast thy selfe into the sea, it shalbe done. 22 And whatsoeuer ye shall aske in prayer, if ye beleeue, ye shall receiue it. 23 And whe he was come into the Temple, the chiefe Priestes, and the Elders of the people came vnto him, as he was teaching, and saide, By what authoritie doest thou these things? and who gaue thee this authoritie? 24 Then Iesus answered and said vnto them, I also will aske of you a certaine thing, which if ye tell me, I likewise will tell you by what authoritie I doe these things. 25 The baptisme of Iohn, whence was it? from heauen, or of men? Then they reasoned among themselues, saying, If we shall say, From heauen, he will say vnto vs, Why did ye not then beleeue him? 26 And if we say, Of men, we feare the multitude, for all holde Iohn as a Prophet. 27 Then they answered Iesus, and said, We can not tell. And he said vnto them, Neither tell I you by what authoritie I doe these things. 28 But what thinke ye? A certaine man had two sonnes, and came to the elder, and saide, Sonne, goe and worke to day in my vineyarde. 29 But he answered, and said, I will not: yet afterward he repented himselfe, and went. 30 Then came he to the second, and said likewise. And he answered, and said, I will, Syr: yet he went not. 31 Whether of them twaine did the will of the father? They saide vnto him, The first. Iesus saide vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, that the Publicanes and the harlots goe before you into the kingdome of God. 32 For Iohn came vnto you in the way of righteousnes, and yee beleeued him not: but the Publicanes, and the harlots beleeued him, and ye, though ye sawe it, were not mooued with repentance afterward, that ye might beleeue him. 33 Heare another parable, There was a certaine housholder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and made a winepresse therein, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a strange countrey. 34 And when the time of the fruite drewe neere, hee sent his seruants to the husbandmen to receiue the fruites thereof. 35 And ye husbandmen tooke his seruants and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. 36 Againe hee sent other seruants, moe then the first: and they did the like vnto them. 37 But last of all he sent vnto them his owne sonne, saying, They will reuerence my sonne. 38 But when the husbandmen saw the sonne, they saide among themselues, This is the heire: come, let vs kill him, and let vs take his inheritance. 39 So they tooke him, and cast him out of the vineyarde, and slewe him. 40 When therefore the Lord of the vineyarde shall come, what will hee doe to those husbandmen? 41 They saide vnto him, Hee will cruelly destroy those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard vnto other husbandmen, which shall deliuer him the fruites in their seasons. 42 Iesus saide vnto them, Read ye neuer in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders refused, the same is made the head of the corner? This was the Lordes doing, and it is marueilous in our eyes. 43 Therefore say I vnto you, The kingdome of God shalbe taken from you, and shalbe giuen to a nation, which shall bring foorth the fruites thereof. 44 And whosoeuer shall fall on this stone, he shalbe broken: but on whomsoeuer it shall fall, it will dash him a pieces. 45 And when the chiefe Priestes and Pharises had heard his parables, they perceiued that hee spake of them. 46 And they seeking to laye handes on him, feared the people, because they tooke him as a Prophet.