Acts 23:16-22

Geneva(i) 16 But when Pauls sisters sonne heard of their laying awaite, he went, and entred into the castel, and tolde Paul. 17 And Paul called one of the Centurions vnto him, and said, Take this yong man hence vnto the chiefe captaine: for he hath a certaine thing to shewe him. 18 So hee tooke him, and brought him to the chiefe captaine, and saide, Paul the prisoner called mee vnto him, and prayed mee to bring this yong man vnto thee, which hath some thing to say vnto thee. 19 Then the chiefe captaine tooke him by the hande, and went apart with him alone, and asked him, What hast thou to shewe me? 20 And he saide, The Iewes haue conspired to desire thee, that thou wouldest bring foorth Paul to morow into the Council, as though they would inquire somewhat of him more perfectly: 21 But let them not perswade thee: for there lie in waite for him of them, more then fourtie men, which haue bound themselues with a curse, that they will neither eate nor drinke, till they haue killed him: and nowe are they readie, and waite for thy promise. 22 The chiefe captaine then let the yong man depart, after hee had charged him to vtter it to no man, that he had shewed him these things.