1 Chronicles 9:26-33

Geneva(i) 26 For these foure chiefe porters were in perpetuall office, and were of the Leuites and had charge of the chambers, and of the treasures in the house of God. 27 And they lay rounde about the house of God, because the charge was theirs, and they caused it to be opened euery morning. 28 And certaine of them had the rule of the ministring vessels: for they brought them in by tale, and brought them out by tale. 29 Some of them also were appoynted ouer the instruments, and ouer all the vessels of the Sanctuarie, and of the floure, and the wine, and the oyle, and the incense, and the sweete odours. 30 And certaine of the sonnes of the Priestes made oyntments of sweete odours. 31 And Mattithiah one of the Leuites which was the eldest sonne of Shallum the Korhite, had the charge of the things that were made in the frying panne. 32 And other of their brethren the sonnes of Kohath had the ouersight of the shewbread to prepare it euery Sabbath. 33 And these are the singers, the chiefe fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in the chambers, and had none other charge: for they had to do in that busines day and night: