Hebrews 7:23-28

Etheridge(i) 23 There were (moreover) many [high] priests, because they were dying, and were not permitted to remain. 24 But because this (one) standeth for ever, his priesthood passeth not away. 25 And he is able to save for eternity them who approach by him unto Aloha; for he liveth through all time, and offereth up prayers on their behalf. 26 For such an High Priest as this was adequate for us; pure, and without evil, and without spot; who was separate from sins, and exalted higher than heaven. 27 With him there was no necessity daily, like the chief of the priests, that first for his own sins he should offer sacrifices, and then on behalf of the people: for this [last] he did once when in himself he offered. 28 For the law constituted infirm men priests; but the word of the oath, which was subsequent to the law, (hath constituted) THE SON perfect for evermore.