Hebrews 2:1-5

Etheridge(i) 1 Therefore we are obligated to be more exceedingly heedful in what we have heard, that we fall not. 2 For if the word which was uttered by angels was confirmed, and every one who heard it, and transgressed against it, received a just retribution,[A retribution in righteousness.] 3 how shall we escape if we despise those (words) which themselves are our salvation? those [namely] which began by our Lord to be spoken, and by them who from him heard them in us were confirmed, 4 when Aloha witnessed concerning them by signs, and by miracles, and by various powers, and by distributed gifts [Distributions, or dividings.] of the Spirit of Holiness, that were bestowed according to his will. 5 FOR it was not to the angels he subjected the world which is future,[Olmo dathid, - Heb. Olam habo.] of which we discourse.