Romans 10:14-18

ECB(i) 14 So then, how call they on him in whom they trust not? And how trust they in him whom they heard not? And how hear they apart from a preacher? 15 And how preach they unless they are apostolized? Exactly as scribed, How beautiful their feet who evangelize shalom and evangelize good! Isaiah 52:7, Nahum 1:15 16 But not all of them obeyed the evangelism. For Yesha Yah words, Yah Veh, who trusted our hearing? Isaiah 53:1 17 So, trust by hearing and hearing by the rhema of Elohim. 18 But I word, Heard they not? Yes indeed, their sound goes to all the earth and their rhema to the extremities of the world. Psalm 19:4