Revelation 11:15-19

ECB(i) 15
And the seventh angel trumps; and mega voices become in the heavens, wording, The sovereigndoms of this cosmos are become to Yah Veh and his the Messiah; and he reigns to the eons of the eons. 16 And the twenty-four elders, sitting on their thrones in sight of Elohim fall on their faces and worship Elohim, 17 wording, We eucharistize you, O Yah Veh El Sabaoth, who is and who was and who is coming; for you are taking your mega dynamis and reign: 18 and the goyim raved and your wrath is come: also the season to judge the dead and to give reward to your servants the prophets and to the holy and to them who awe your name - minute and mega: and to destroy them who destroy the earth. 19 And the nave of Elohim opens in the heavens and the ark of his covenant is seen in his nave: and there become lightnings and voices and thunderings and a quake and mega hail.