Jonah 4

ECB(i) 1
And it is greatly evil to Yonah and he is very angry: 2 and he prays to Yah Veh, and says, I beseech you, O Yah Veh, was this not my word when I was yet in my soil? So I anticipated to flee to Tarshish: for I knew you are an El - charismatic and merciful, slow to anger and of great mercy; and you sigh of the evil: 3 and now, O Yah Veh, I beseech you, take my soul from me; for it is better for me to die than to live. 4 And Yah Veh says, Is your inflaming well-pleasing? 5 And Yonah goes from the city and sits on the east of the city; and works himself a sukkoth/brush arbor and sits under its shadow until he sees what becomes of the city. 6 And Yah Veh Elohim numbers a gourd and ascends it over Yonah, to become a shadow over his head to rescue him from his evil: and in cheering, Yonah cheers greatly for the gourd. 7 And Elohim numbers a maggot at the ascending of the dawn on the morrow; and it smites the gourd that it withers: 8 and so be it, when the sun rises, Elohim numbers a vehement east wind; and the sun smites on the head of Yonah so that he languishes; and asks of his soul to die, and says, It is better for me to die than to live. 9 And Elohim says to Yonah, Is your inflaming over the gourd well-pleasing? And he says, My inflaming is well-pleasing - even to death. 10 Then Yah Veh says, You spared the gourd, for which you neither labored nor nourished; becoming a son of a night and destructing a son of a night: 11 and I - spare I not Nineveh, that great city, wherein twelve myriads of humanity abound - who know not between their right and their left - and many animals?