Ezekiel 29

ECB(i) 1
In the tenth year, in the tenth, in the twelfth of the month, so be the word of Yah Veh to me, saying, 2 Son of humanity, set your face against Paroh sovereign of Misrayim and prophesy against him - and against all Misrayim. 3 Word and say, Thus says Adonay Yah Veh: Behold, I am against you, Paroh sovereign of Misrayim, the great monster who crouches midst his rivers; who says, My river is my own and I work it for myself. 4 And I give hooks in your jaws so that the fish of your rivers stick to your scales: and I ascend you from midst your rivers, and all the fish of your rivers stick to your scales: 5 and I abandon you in the wilderness - you and all the fish of your rivers: so that you fall on the face of the fields; so that you are neither gathered together, nor gathered: I give you for food to the live beings of the earth and to the flyers of the heavens: 6 and all the settlers of Misrayim know I - Yah Veh, because of their being a stalk of support to the house of Yisra El. 7 They apprehend you by your palm; you crush and split all their shoulder: and when they lean on you, you break and shake all their loins. 8 So thus says Adonay Yah Veh: Behold, I bring a sword on you and cut off humanity and animal from you; 9 and desolate and parch the land of Misrayim; and they know I - Yah Veh: because he says, The river is mine and I work it. 10 So behold, I am against you and against your rivers; and in parching, I give the land of Misrayim parched and desolate - from the tower of Seven to the border of Kush: 11 neither foot of humanity passes through nor foot of animal passes through; nor is it settled forty years: 12 and I give the land of Misrayim desolate midst the desolate lands; and her cities among the parched cities - desolate them forty years: and I scatter the Misrayim among the goyim, and winnow them through the lands. 13 Yet thus says Adonay Yah Veh: At the end of forty years I gather the Misrayim from the people where they are scattered: 14 and I restore the captivity of Misrayim - restore them to the land of Pathros to their land of origin; and there they become a lowly sovereigndom; 15 so be it, of all the sovereigndoms, the lowliest; no more to exalt itself above the goyim: for I diminish them so that they no more subjugate the goyim. 16 And so be it no more the confidence of the house of Yisra El - who remembers their perversity, when they faced after them: and they know I - Adonay Yah Veh. 17 And so be it, in the twenty-seventh year, in the first, in the first of the month, so be the word of Yah Veh to me, saying, 18 Son of humanity, Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel has his valiant to serve a great service against Sor: every head baldens and every shoulder peels: yet neither he nor his valiant have any hire from Sor for the service he served against it. 19 So thus says Adonay Yah Veh: Behold, I give the land of Misrayim to Nebukadnets Tsar sovereign of Babel; to lift her multitude and spoil her spoil and plunder her plunder; and so be it the hire for his valiant. 20 I give him the land of Misrayim for the deeds he served against it because they worked for me - an oracle of Adonay Yah Veh. 21 In that day, I sprout the horn of the house of Yisra El, and I give you the opening of the mouth in their midst; and they know I - Yah Veh.