Deuteronomy 6:20-24

ECB(i) 20 And when your son asks you on the morrow, saying, What mean the witnesses and the statutes and the judgments Yah Veh our Elohim misvahed you? 21 Then you say to your son, We were servants of Paroh in Misrayim; and Yah Veh brought us from Misrayim with a strong hand: 22 and Yah Veh gave signs and omens, great and evil, on Misrayim, on Paroh and on all his household, in front of our eyes: 23 and he brought us out from there to bring us in, - to give us the land he oathed to our fathers. 24 And Yah Veh misvahed us to work all these statutes - to awe Yah Veh our Elohim for our good all days, to preserve us alive, as at this day.