Daniel 7:20-25

ECB(i) 20 and of the ten horns in his head, and of the other which ascends, and in front of whom three fall; even of that horn with eyes and a mouth uttering very great; whose vision is greater than his companions. 21 I see, and the same horn makes war with the holy; and prevails against them; 22 the Ancient of days comes, and gives the pleading of the cause to the holy of Elyon; and the appointment so happens that the holy hold the sovereigndom. 23 Thus he says, The fourth live being becomes the fourth sovereigndom on earth which is changed from all kingdoms; and it devours the whole earth, and treads it down, and pulverizes it. 24 And the ten horns from this sovereigndom are ten sovereigns who rise: and another rises after them - changed from the first; and he abases three sovereigns: 25 and he utters utterances concerning the Elyon and wears out the holy of Elyon; and wills to change appointments and decrees: and they are given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.