Romans 1:7-15

Coverdale(i) 7 To all you that be at Rome, beloued of God, and sayntes by callynge Grace be wt you and peace fro God oure father, and the LORDE Iesus Christ. 8 First, I thanke my God thorow Iesus Christ for you all, that youre faith is spoken of thorow out all the worlde. 9 For God is my witnesse ( whom I serue in my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne) that without ceassynge I make mencion of you besekinge allwayes in my prayers, 10 that I mighte once haue a prosperous iourney ( by the will off God) to come vnto you. 11 For I longe to se you, that I mighte bestowe vpon you some spirituall gifte to stregth you 12 (that is)that I mighte be conforted with you, thorow yor faith & myne, which we haue together. 13 But I wolde ye shulde knowe (brethren) how that I haue often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but haue bene let hither to) that I mighte do some good amonge you, like as amonge other Gentyles. 14 I am detter both to the Grekes, and to the vngrekes, to the wyse and to the vnwyse. 15 Wherfore (as moch as i me is) I am ready to preach the Gospell vnto you at Rome also.