Revelation 11:3-10

Coverdale(i) 3 And I wil geue power vnto my two wytnesses, and they shal prophesy .M.ijc. and lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth. 4 These are two olyue trees, and two candelstyckes, stondinge before the God of the earth. 5 And if eny man wil hurt them, fyre shal procede out of their mouthes, and consume their enemyes. And yf eny ma wil hurt the, this wyse muste he be kylled. 6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and haue power ouer waters, to turne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth with all maner plages, as often as they will. 7 And when they haue fynisshed their testimony, the beest that cam out of the bottomlesse pytt, shal make warre agaynst the, and shal ouer come them, and kyll the. 8 And their bodies shal lye in the stretes of the greate cite, which spiritually is called zodom and Egypte, where oure LORDE is crucified. 9 And some of the people and kynredes, and tonges, & of the nacios, shal se their bodies, thre dayes, and an halfe, and shal not suffre their bodies to be put in graues. 10 And they that dwell vpo the earth, shal reioyce ouer them and be glad, and shal send giftes one to another: for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth.