Psalms 37:1-10

Coverdale(i) 1 Frett not thy self at the vngodly, be not thou envious agaynst the euell doers. 2 For they shall soone be cut downe like ye grasse, & be wythered euen as ye grene herbe. 3 Put thou thy trust in ye LORDE, & be doinge good: so shalt thou dwell in the londe, & verely it shal fede the. 4 Delyte thou in the LORDE, & he shal geue the thy hertes desyre. 5 Comitte thy waye vnto ye LORDE, set thy hope in him, and he shal brynge it to passe. 6 Yee he shall make thy rightuousnesse as cleare as the light, & thy iust dealinge as the noone daye. 7 Holde the still in ye LORDE, and abyde pacietly vpon him: but greue not thy self at one that hath prosperite, and lyueth in abhominacion. 8 Leaue of from wrath, let go displeasure, let not thy gelousy moue the also to do euell. 9 For wicked doers shal be roted out, but they that pacietly abyde the LORDE, shal enheret the londe. 10 Suffre yet a litle whyle, & ye vngodly shalbe clene gone: thou shalt loke after his place, & he shal be awaye.