Psalms 106:25-48

Coverdale(i) 25 But murmured in their tentes, and herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE. 26 Then lift he vp his honde agaynst them, to ouerthrowe them in the wildernes. 27 To cast out their sede amonge the nacions, and to scater them in the londes. 28 They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor, and ate the offeringes of the deed. 29 Thus they prouoked him vnto anger with their owne invecions, and the plage was greate amonge them. 30 Then stode vp Phineas and excuted iustice, & so the plage ceased. 31 And that was counted vnto him for rightuousnesse, amonge all posterites for euermore. 32 They angerd him also at the waters of strife, so that Moses was punyshed for their sakes. 33 Because they prouoked his sprete, and he tolde the planely with his lippes. 34 Nether destroyed they the Heithen, as the LORDE commaunded them. 35 But were mengled amonge the Heithen, and lerned their workes. 36 In so moch that they worshipped their ymages, which turned to their owne decaye. 37 Yee they offred their sonnes & their doughters vnto deuels. 38 And shed the innocent bloude of their sonnes and of their doughters, whom they offred vnto the ymages of Canaan, so that the londe was defyled with bloude. 39 Thus were they stayned wt their owne workes, and wente a whoringe with their owne invencions. 40 Therfore was the wrath of the LORDE kyndled agaynst his people, in so moch that he abhorred his owne enheritaunce. 41 And gaue them ouer in to the honde of the Heithe, and they that hated them, were lordes ouer them. 42 Their enemies oppressed the, and had them in subieccion. 43 Many a tyme dyd he delyuer them, but they prouoked him with their owne invecions, and were brought downe for their wickednesse. 44 Neuerthelesse whe he sawe their aduersite, he herde their complaynte. 45 He thought vpo his couenaunt, and pitied the, acordinge vnto the multitude of his mercies. 46 Yee he made all those yt had led them awaye captiue, to pitie them. 47 Delyuer vs (o LORDE oure God) & gather vs from amoge the Heithen: that we maye geue thankes to thy holy name, & make oure boast of thy prayse. 48 Blessed be the LORDE God of Israel from euerlastinge and worlde without ende, and let all people saye: Amen, Amen. Halleluya.