Proverbs 8:23-36

Coverdale(i) 23 I haue bene ordened fro euerlastige, & fro ye beginnynge or euer the earth was made. 24 When I was borne, there were nether depthes ner springes of water. 25 Before the foundacions of ye mountaynes were layed, yee before all hilles was I borne. 26 The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made, no not the grounde it self. 27 For when he made the heauens, I was present: wha he set the depthes in ordre: 28 whan he hanged the cloudes aboue: whan he fastened the sprynges of the depe: 29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth, 30 I was with him, ordringe all thinges, delytinge daylie & reioysynge allwaye before him. 31 As for the roude copase of his worlde, I make it ioyfull, for my delyte is to be amoge the children of men. 32 Therfore harken vnto me (o ye children) for blessed are they that kepe my wayes. 33 O geue eare vnto nurtoure, be wyse, and refuse it not. 34 Blessed is ye man that heareth me, watchinge daylie at my gates, & geuynge attendaunce at the postes of my dores. 35 For who so fyndeth me, fyndeth life, and shal optayne fauoure of the LORDE. 36 But who so offendeth agaynst me, hurteth his owne soule. All they that hate me, are the louers of death.