Numbers 11:1-6

Coverdale(i) 1 And whan ye people waxed vnpaciet, it displeased sore ye eares of ye LORDE. And whan the LORDE herde it, his wrath waxed whote, & the fyre of ye LORDE burnt amoge them, so yt it cosumed the vttemost of ye hoost. 2 The cryed the people vnto Moses. And Moses prayed vnto the LORDE. So ye fyre quenched. 3 And the place was called Tabera, because the fyre of the LORDE burnt amonge them. 4 Then the comon sorte of people yt was amoge them, fell a lustinge, and sat & wepte wt the children of Israel, and sayde: Who wyll geue vs flesh to eate? 5 We remembre the fish, the we ate in Egipte for naught, & Cucumbers, Melouns, lekes, onyons, & garleke: 6 But now is oure soule dryed awaye, oure eyes se nothinge then the Manna.