Numbers 10:2-10

Coverdale(i) 2 Make the two trompettes of beaten syluer, that thou mayest vse them, to call the cogregacion together, and whan the hoost shal breake vp. 3 Whan they blowe with both, then shall the whole congregacion gather them selues together vnto the before the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 4 Whan they blowe but with one, then the captaynes, the rulers ouer the thousandes in Israel shal gather them selues together vnto the. 5 Whan ye trompe, then shal the hoostes that lye on the East syde, breake vp. 6 And whan ye trompe the seconde tyme, the hoostes that lye on the South syde, shal breake vp. For ye shall trompe, whan they shal take their iourneys. 7 But whan ye congregacion is to be gathered together, ye shal blowe, and not trompe. 8 This blowinge wt the trompettes shal the sonnes of Aaron the prest do. And it shall be yor lawe for euer amonge youre posterities. 9 Whan ye go to a battayll in youre londe agaynst youre enemies yt vexe you, ye shall trompe with the trompettes, that ye maye be remembred before the LORDE yor God, and delyuered from youre enemies. 10 Like wyse whan ye are mery, and in youre feast dayes, & in youre new Monethes, ye shal blowe with the trompettes ouer youre burntsacrifices & healthofferinges, yt it maie be a remembraunce vnto you before youre God. I am the LORDE youre God.