Matthew 27:12-26

Coverdale(i) 12 And wha he was accused of the hye prestes and elders, he answered nothinge. 13 Then sayde Pylate vnto him: Hearest thou not, how sore they accuse the? 14 And he answered him not one worde: in so moch that the debyte marueled exceadingly. 15 At that feast, the debyte was wote to delyuer a presoner fre vnto the people, whom they wolde. 16 And at the same tyme he had a notable presoner called Barrabas. 17 And whan they were gathered together, Pylate sayde vnto them: Whether wil ye, that I geue lowse vnto you? Barrabas, or Iesus which is called Christ? 18 For he knewe well that they had delyuered him of enuye. 19 And wha he sat vpo the iudgmet seate, his wife sent vnto him, sayenge: Haue thou nothinge to do with that righteous man, for I haue suffred many thinges this daye in a dreame because of him. 20 But the hye prestes and the elders persuaded the people, that they shulde axe Barrabas, and destroye Iesus. 21 Then answered the debyte, & sayde vnto the: Whether of these two wyl ye yt I geue lowse vnto you? They sayde: Barrabas: 22 Pylate sayde vnto them: What shal I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They sayde all: let him be crucified. 23 The debyte saide: What euell hath he done the? Neuertheles they cried yet more and sayde, let him be crucified. 24 So whan Pilate sawe, that he coude not helpe, but that there was a greater vproure, he toke water, and wasshed his handes before the people, and sayde: I am vngiltie of ye bloude of this righteous man. Se ye therto. 25 Then answered all the people, and sayde: His bloude come vpon vs, and vpon oure children. 26 Then gaue he Barrabas lowse vnto the, but caused Iesus be scourged, and delyuered him to be crucified.