Matthew 22:15-32

Coverdale(i) 15 Then wente the Pharises, and toke councell, how they might tangle him in his wordes, 16 and sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes officers, and sayde: Master, we knowe that thou art true, and teachest the waye of God truly, and carest for no ma: for thou regardest not the outwarde appearaunce of me. 17 Tell us therfore, how thinkest thou? Is it laufulll to geue tribute vnto the Emperoure, or not? 18 Now wha Iesus perceaued their wickednes, he sayde: O ye ypocrites, why tepte ye me? 19 Shewe me ye tribute money. And they toke hi a peny. 20 And he saide vnto the: Whose is this ymage and superscription? 21 They sayde vnto him: The Emperours. Then sayde he vnto them: Geue therfore vnto the Emperour, that which is the Emperours: and geue vnto God, that which is Gods. 22 When they herde that, they marueyled, and left him, & wete their waye. 23 The same daye there came vnto him the Saduces (which holde that there is no resurreccion) and axed him, 24 and sayde: Master, Moses sayde: Yf a man dye, hauynge no children, his brother shal mary his wife, & rayse vp sede vnto his brother. 25 Now were there with us seue brethren. The first maried a wife, and dyed: & for somoch as he had no sede, he left his wife vnto his brother. 26 Like wyse the secode, and thirde vnto the seueth. 27 Last of all the woman dyed also. 28 Now in the resurreccion, whose wife shal she be of the seuen? For they all had her. 29 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Ye erre, and vnderstode not the scriptures, ner the power of God. 30 In the resurreccion they shal nether mary, ner be maried, but are as the angels of God in heauen. 31 As touchinge the resurreccio of the deed, haue ye notred, what is spoken vnto you of God, which sayeth: 32 I am the God of Abraham, and ye God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob? Yet is not God a God of the deed, but of the lyuynge.