Luke 8:26-39

Coverdale(i) 26 And they sayled forth in to the countre of the Gadarenites, which is ouer agaynst Galile. 27 And whan he wente out to londe, there met him out of ye cite a ma, which had a deuell longe tyme, & ware no clothes, & taried in no house, but in the graues. 28 Neuertheles wha he sawe Iesus, he cried, and fell downe before him, and cried loude, & sayde: What haue I to do with the Iesus, thou sonne of the Hyest God? I beseke the, that thou wilt not tormete me. 29 For he comaunded the foule sprete, that he shulde departe out of the ma, for he had plaged hi a loge season. And he was bounde with cheynes, and kepte wt fetters, and he brake the bondes in sonder, and was caried of the deuell in to the wyldernesse. 30 And Iesus axed him, and sayde: What is thy name? He sayde: Legion. For there were many deuels entred in to him. 31 And they besought him, that he wolde not comaunde the to go in to the depe. 32 But there was there a greate heerd of swyne fedynge vpon the mountayne, and they besought him, that he wolde geue them leue, to entre in to ye same. And he gaue the leue. 33 Then departed ye deuels out of the ma, and entred into the swyne. And the heerd russhed headlynges with a storme in to the lake, and were drowned. 34 But wha ye herdmen sawe what had chaunsed, they fled, and tolde it in the cite and in the vyllagies. 35 Then wente they out, for to se what was done, and came to Iesus, and founde the ma (out of whom the deuyls were departed) syttinge at Iesus fete, clothed, and in his right mynde, and they were afrayed. 36 And they yt had sene it, tolde the how the possessed was healed. 37 And the whole multitude of ye countre of the Gadarenites besought him, that he wolde departe from them, for there was a greate feare come vpon the. And he gat him in to ye shippe, and turned agayne. 38 And the man out of who the deuels were departed, besought him, yt he might be with him. But Iesus sent him awaye, and sayde: 39 Go home agayne, and shewe how greate thinges God hath done for the. And he wente his waye, & preached thorow out all ye cite, how greate thinges Iesus had done for hi.