Luke 4:2-13

Coverdale(i) 2 & fourty dayes loge was he tepted of ye deuell. And in those dayes ate he nothinge. And whan they were ended, he hongred afterwarde. 3 And the deuell sayde vnto him: Yf thou be ye sonne of God, comaunde this stone, yt it be bred. 4 And Iesus answered & sayde vnto hi: It is wrytten: Man shal not lyue by bred onely, but by euery worde of God. 5 And ye deuell toke him vp into an hye moutayne, and shewed him all the kyngdomes of ye whole worlde in ye twinckelinge of an eye, 6 & sayde vnto him: All this power wil I geue vnto the, and the glory therof, for it is geue ouer vnto me, and I geue it, to whom I wil. 7 Yf thou now wilt worshippe me, they shal all be thine. 8 Iesus answered him, and sayde: Auoyde fro me thou Satan. It is wrytten: Thou shalt worshippe the LORDE thy God, and him onely shalt thou serue. 9 And he caried him to Ierusalem, and set him vpon a pynnacle of the temple, and sayde vnto him: Yf thou be ye sonne of God, cast thy self downe from hence. 10 For it is wrytte: He shal geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the, 11 and with their handes they shal holde the vp, that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone. 12 And Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: It is sayde: Thou shalt not tempte the LORDE thy God. 13 And whan ye deuell had ended all the temptacions, he departed from him for a season.