Luke 18:18-30

Coverdale(i) 18 And a certayne ruler axed him, and sayde: Good master, what must I do, that I maye enheret euerlastinge life? 19 But Iesus sayde vnto him: Why callest thou me good? There is no man good, but God onely. 20 Thou knowest the comaundementes: Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: Thou shalt not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false wytnesse: Honoure thy father and yi mother. 21 But he sayde: All these haue I kepte fro my youth vp. 22 Wha Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge, sell all that thou hast, and geue it vnto ye poore, and thou shalt haue a treasure in heauen, and come & folowe me. 23 Whan he herde that, he was sory, for he was very riche. 24 Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory, he sayde: How hardly shal the riche come in to the kyngdome of God? 25 It is easyer for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a nedle, the for a rich man to entre in to the kyngdome of God. 26 Then sayde they yt herde that: Who can then be saued? 27 But he sayde: loke what is vnpossible with me, is possible with God. 28 Then sayde Peter: Beholde, we haue forsake all, and folowed the. 29 He sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you: There is no ma yt forsaketh house, or elders, or brethren, or wife, or children for the kyngdome of Gods sake, 30 which shal not receaue moch more in this tyme, and euerlastinge life in the worlde to come.