Leviticus 7:6-14

Coverdale(i) 6 All the males amonge the prestes shal eate it in the holy place, for it is most holy: 7 euen as the synofferynge, so shall the trespace offerynge be also, they shall both haue one lawe: and it shal be the prestes, that reconcyleth ther wt. 8 Loke which prest offereth eny mans burntofforynge, the skynne of the same burntoffrynge that he hath offered, shalbe his. 9 And euery meatofferynge that is baken in the ouen, rosted vpon the gredyron, or fryed in the panne, shal be the prestes yt offereth it. 10 And euery meatofferynge yt is myngled with oyle, or drye, shal belonge vnto all Aaron sonnes, vnto one as well as another. 11 And this is ye lawe of the healthofferinge, that is offered vnto the LORDE, 12 Yf they wyll offre a sacrifice of thankesgeuynge, then shal they offre vnleueded cakes megled with oyle, and swete wafers straked ouer with oyle, and fryed cakes of fyne floure mengled with oyle. 13 This offerynge also shall they brynge vpon a cake of leuended bred, to the thankofferynge of his healthofferynge: 14 and of them all he shall offre one for an Heueofferynge vnto the LORDE. And it shalbe the prestes, that sprenkleth the bloude of the healthofferynge.