Leviticus 6:14-23

Coverdale(i) 14 And this is the lawe of the meatofferynge, which Aarons sonnes shall offre before the LORDE vpon the altare. 15 One of them shall Heue his handfull of fyne floure of ye meatofferynge, and of the oyle, and all the frankencense that lyeth vpon the meatofferynge, and shall burne it vpon the altare for a swete sauoure a remembraunce vnto the LORDE. 16 As for the remnaunt, Aaron and his sonnes shal eate it, and vnleuended shal they eate it in the holy place, namely, in the courte of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 17 With leue shal they not bake their porcion, which I haue geuen them of my offerynges. It shalbe vnto them most holy, as the synofferynge and trespace offerynge. 18 All the males amonge the children of Aaron shall eate of it. Let this be a perpetuall lawe for youre posterities in the sacrifices of the LORDE. No man shall touch it, excepte he be consecrated. 19 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 20 This shalbe the offerynge of Aaron and of his sonnes, which they shall offre vnto the LORDE in the daie of their anoyntinge. The tenth parte of an Epha of fyne floure for a meatofferynge daylie, the one half parte in the mornynge, the other half parte at euen. 21 In the panne with oyle shall thou make it, and brynge it fryed, and in peces shalt thou offer it for the swete sauoure of the LORDE. 22 And the prest which amonge his sonnes shalbe anoynted in his steade, shall do this. This is a perpetuall dewtye vnto the LORDE. It shal be burnt alltogether: 23 for all the meatofferynges of the prest shalbe consumed with the fyre, and not be eaten.