Leviticus 23:27-32

Coverdale(i) 27 Vpon the tenth daye in this seuenth moneth is the daye of reconcylinge, which shalbe an holy conuocacion wt you. Ye shal humble youre soules therin, and offre vnto the LORDE, 28 and shal do no seruyle worke in this daye: for it is the daye of attonement, that ye maye be reconcyled before the LORDE youre God. 29 For what soule so euer humbleth not him self vpon this daye, the same shalbe roted out from amonge his people. 30 And what soule so euer doth eny worke this daye, the same wil I destroye from amonge his people: 31 therfore shall ye do no worke. This shalbe a perpetuall lawe vnto youre posterities, where so euer ye dwell. 32 It is the rest of youre Sabbath, that ye maye humble youre soules. Vpon the nyenth daye of ye moneth at euen, shal ye kepe this holy daye from the euen forth vntyll the eue agayne.